Athletics Athletics Student Worker


The Department of Athletics seeks work study students to fill various roles within the department. Candidates who have experience in and knowledge of athletics are preferred, but we welcome applicants with less experience as well. It is essential that candidates are able to understand and follow directions, display motivation and extend hospitality in keeping with the College’s mission. Additionally, while there is flexibility within reason, work study students must be accountable for the hours to which they commit. Please note, some positions may require physical activity. 

Work Schedule

Each position will require a different schedule, which may change week-to-week. Weight room hours are 9 AM -1 PM and 7 PM-11 PM every weekday, with varying hours on the weekends. Game managers are required to work all home events in addition to processing paperwork in the office (hours are flexible). Those candidates who work with a specific team will have varied hours based on the team’s needs and time in the season. Students are not limited to a specific job duty and may request, or be asked, to perform a different job.

When applying, please rank your top three job choices in order of preference.  Indicate your choices in the availability box in the Applicant Information section.


These positions are assigned to Athletics, but are not limited to working within the Wheeler Center (home events, weight room, athletic training room) exclusively. Additional locations include athletic fields and administrative offices in Robert Stowe Hall. 


Jobs Available:

Specific duties include, but are not limited to:   

Weight room monitor – Managing the weight room during working hours to allow the student body to use the facility safely. Also entails cleaning and closing the weight room after working hours.

Game Managers – Working directly with Athletics Support Staff during home athletics events with various duties, including: clock operator, scoreboard operator, official book keeper, music operator, game day prep, lining fields, and breaking down equipment after events

        Administrative support – Assisting the Athletics office with day-to-day operations and duties. Due the nature of the office environment, excellent interpersonal and organizational skills will be necessary for these roles.

        Team specific – Helping a specific team with duties such as laundry, paperwork, etc.

        Athletic Training – Cleaning, practice prep, laundry, supplies, paperwork, etc.

       Successful candidates will be reliable and possess an exemplary work ethic and “can-do” approach in addressing/performing requested tasks. Additionally, candidates must exercise an inclusive and hospitable approach to fellow students, coaches and faculty campus-wide as we work together to create an environment that nourishes the mind, body and spirit of each individual. 

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